(Listázva: : 16-1 )
Fordított sorrendben |
mocor | 16. | 2017.09.15. 18:12 |
a székely címerben ugyanaz a fajta csillagok mint az udmurtban és kalmük-szakha-val egyező szinek melyek visszaköszönnek még pl. a mongol szinekben is https://hu.wikipedia.org/wik i/Hövszgöl_ajmag https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Bayankhongor_Province
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mocor | 15. | 2017.09.15. 17:56 |
+szárnyas oroszlán +1narancssárga p> tibeti buddhista szakha | ||
mendemonda | 14. | 2017.01.31. 17:58 |
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humbarandog | 13. | 2016.04.02. 23:08 |
humbarandog | 12. | 2016.04.02. 23:05 |
humbarandog | 11. | 2016.04.02. 20:51 |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcek Altszikursz Alcikurz In 631 a war for the throne broke out between an Avar leader and Alcek. Eventually defeated, Alcek fled to Bavaria where they asked the Frankish king Dagobert I for a piece of land to settle in. The king at first allowed them some land, but one night he ordered his army to slaughter the Bulgars. Only 700 out of 9,000 survived the slaughter and fled to Italy, where they gained permission from the King of the Lombards, Grimoald, to settle in the area of Ravenna kutrigur-avar viszály. német befogadja kutrigurt, majd leöli őket. végül lombardiába kerülnek a kutrigur bulgárok.
Kubrat established peace with the Avars in 632 béke Kuvrattal, 632 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/632 Kubrat, ruler of the Dulo clan,[1] establishes the confederation of Great Bulgaria. He takes power over his tribe, the Utigur Bulgars, and expels the Avars from his lands. Kubrat's rule stretches from the Danube Delta to the Volga River. (?) akkor kiűzi őket vagy megegyezés alapján veszi át a törzseken a hatalmat a bolgárok kos, ló, kakas, sárkány, patkány stb években számoltak, 10 féle év van. https://en .wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominalia_of_the_Bulgarian_khans
(Módosította humbarandog 2016.04.02. 22:59-kor) | ||
humbarandog | 10. | 2016.04.02. 20:48 |
humbarandog | 9. | 2016.03.25. 20:07 |
Bajan http://www.tankonyvtar.hu/en/tartalom/tkt/hunok-gepidak/ch01s05.htm l
Foroiulium : Friuli (Módosította humbarandog 2016.03.25. 20:09-kor) | ||
hun bod | 8. | 2015.11.20. 21:29 |
Avaria avar lobogó Lak lobogó Dagesztan
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hun bod | 7. | 2015.04.23. 22:29 |
jász történelem
Kr.u.174 a római császár háborút indít a rómaiakkal kiegyező királyt megdöntik, fogságba vetik és tovább folytatják a harcot a kiegyezés és határtartományok, vásárnapok
a kipcsákok árulása és azok elárulása (Módosította hun bod 2015.04.23. 23:18-kor) | ||
hun bod | 6. | 2015.04.23. 22:28 |
a jászok kapuja a Terek folyón át a jászok fővárosa Magas ... a jász : alán, jazyg, aszi | ||
hun bod | 5. | 2015.03.12. 22:52 |
Irnik tanhu
_ (Módosította hun bod 2015.03.12. 22:53-kor) | ||
hun bod | 4. | 2015.01.13. 21:31 |
IbnFadlan utazása a türkök, volgárok földjére | ||
hun bod | 3. | 2014.11.26. 18:39 |
ie.6-5sz. 6. Kinyilvánítja Dárayavaus király: Ezek (azok) a tartományok, amelyek birtokomba kerültek (maná patiyaisa) Auramazdá akaratából én ezeknek királya voltam: Párra, Uvaja, Bábirus, Ahurá, Arabáya, Mudráya, a szigetek, Sparda, Yauna, Má da, Armina, Katpautuka, ParAava, Zraka, Haraiva, Uvárazmíy, Báxtris, Suaguda, Gadára, Saka, Aatagus, Harauvaos, Maka, összesen 23 tartomány". (Módosította hun bod 2014.12.28. 19:49-kor) | ||
hun bod | 2. | 2014.04.25. 14:07 |
After the death of Alexander III of Macedon in 323 B.C., the territories he had conquered were divided between his generals, the so-called DIADOKHI. Alexander's friend Seleucus Nicator (r. 312–280 B.C.) became king of the eastern provinces Alexander died (323), Seleucus was given the command of the hetairoi (companions) cavalry and took part in the regent Perdiccas’ campaign to oust Ptolemy, the governor (satrap) of Egypt. In Egypt, however, he joined with others in the assassination of Perdiccas. When the empire was divided in 321, he was given the governorship (satrapy) of Babylon. At the same time Antigonus Monophthalmus (the One-Eyed) had been placed in command of a campaign against Eumenes of Cardia, a supporter of Perdiccas. In 317 Seleucus aided Antigonus but, after Eumenes’ execution in 316, Antigonus demanded that Seleucus give an accounting of the income from his satrapy. Seleucus refused to give the accounting and escaped capture by fleeing to Ptolemy in Egypt. 316 to 312 took the initiative in forging a coalition among Ptolemy, Lysimachus (the ruler of Thrace), and Cassander (who laid claim to Macedonia) against Antigonus, whose desire to become the ruler of the whole of Alexander’s empire was a threat to them all. (315–311) Seleucus was made one of Ptolemy’s generals and jointly with him commanded the Ptolemaic troops that defeated the force of Demetrius, the son of Antigonus, at the Battle of Gaza in southern Syria (312). Seleucus once again turned his attention to returning to Babylonia, and in August 312 he was able to reconquer Babylon with only a small army. This conquest marked the beginning of the Seleucid era, which is dated Dios 1 (Oct. 7), 312, in the Macedonian calendar and Nisan 1 (April 3), 311, in the Babylonian calendar. ![]() | ||
hun bod | 1. | 2014.04.25. 13:51 |
...Armenian highlands had been subdued by Cyaxares about 600 B.C. and so had become part of the Median Empire... attested in written sources since the 5th century A.D. (after the invention of the Armenian alphabet by St. Mesrop Maštocʿ ) ...after the Medes followed the Persian Achaemenids (550-330 B.C.; we find the first attestation of the name of the country in OPers. Armina “Armenia” in 520 B.C. (see above)), then Alexander and the Seleucids. Szeleúkeia Languages Greek - Persian - Aramaic Religion Olympianism - Babylonian - Zoroastrianism Seleucus I Nicator Seleucus, one of Alexander’s leading generals, became satrap (governor) of Babylonia in 321, two years after the death of Alexander. In the prolonged power struggle between the former generals of Alexander for control of the disintegrating empire, Seleucus sided with Ptolemy I of Egypt against Antigonus I, Alexander’s successor on the Macedonian throne, who had forced Seleucus out of Babylonia. In 312 Seleucus defeated Demetrius at Gaza using troops supplied by Ptolemy, and with a smaller force he seized Babylonia that same year By 305, having consolidated his power over the kingdom, he began gradually to extend his domain eastward to the Indus River and westward to Syria and Anatolia, where he decisively defeated Antigonus at Ipsus in 301. In 281 he annexed the Thracian Chersonesus. That same year, he was assassinated by Ptolemy Ceraunus, the disgruntled son of Ptolemy I. eastern part of the empire was conquered by the Parthians under Mithridates I of Parthia in the mid-2nd century BC, yet the Seleucid kings continued to rule a rump state from Syria until the invasion by Armenian king Tigranes the Great and their ultimate overthrow by the Roman general Pompey. Armenian kingdom, whose power and size had been enlarged considerably in particular by king Tigranes I called the Great (ca. 94-54 B.C.), had become a bone of contention between the Parthians and the Roman Empire (see Chaumont, 1976) ever since L. Licinius Lucullus had marched against Tigranes during the third Mithridatian War and this king had submitted himself to Pompeius in 66 B.C. The Roman protectorate was followed by the rule of a younger line of the Parthian Arsacids (Arm. Aršakowni-kʿ ) over Armenia from 53 (or 66) A.D. to 428 A.D., again except the short period of Roman occupation under Trajan the Parthian king Vologaeses I had in 53 A.D. simply placed on the Armenian throne his younger brother Tiridates (Trdat) I, who had been acknowledged by the Romans in the treaty of Rhandeia in 63 and who had finally been crowned by Emperor Nero himself in 66 A.D. ................ King Artašês/Artaxias (189-160 B.C.) from Zangezowr. ...“Mid. Med.” hr from Proto-Ir. *θr and “Mid. Med.” prothetic vowel before initial sp- and xš- (whence Arm. šx) rested chiefly upon one single piece of evidence, namely the proper name Axšahrsart (written as Aram. ʿḥštrsrt) containing “Mid. Med.” *axšahr as first element (by contrast with Parth. xšahr “country, empire”). AKHSHAHRSHARTH - ASHARKHSHARTH (Módosította hun bod 2014.04.25. 15:52-kor) | ||
Keresés honlapon
Szekeres Sándor
és a betlehemi csillag
A könyv a múlt és a jelen sérthetetlen dogmáit kérdőjelezi meg, érzékeny pontokat érintve a társadalmi közérzeten, mind a hétköznapokra, a tudományos életre és a hit világára vonatkoztatva. Szó lesz a valódi betlehemi csillagról, a történelmi, azaz a pártus Jézusról, a valós keresztre feszítéséről és egy szörnyű végű összeesküvésről, aminek egyik következménye a téves időszámításunk és a kronológiánk sötét középkora.
Talán nem is véletlen, hogy most íródott meg a könyv. Ismét az útkeresés korában járunk. Létezésünk és hitvilágunk alapjai esnek szét, új kérdések jönnek, új válaszok kellenek.
Ezek alapjait érinti meg a könyv, új szemléletet adva az eddig érinthetetlennek gondolt tabuknak.